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I Will Always Be Your Blondie. I Will Always Be Proud To Call You Dad & Doting Grandpa.

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

Can't believe you are already 73 years old! Blessed.

I don't even know where to start. I could go on and on about so many things. So I will try to keep it short if that is possible. The timeline might be a bit off, but I hope I show you dad how much you mean to me.

To those reading this blog: you see when you develop a chronic illness like epilepsy which also messes with your brain, many things get confusing or you see things very differently than others might. I for sure treasure my time with family much more.

Just as I know my dad does the same and always there through each Glitch.

Always a loving dad from the start.

You would never admit it, but you are a softy on the inside with a tough exterior. Now if anyone ever messed with your family, then the "mean" person would come out. I will always remember if you were getting ready for work trips, you made sure to give mom a kiss and a hug to us kids even when we were older. But we were always reminded to behave for mom. Yes, its's crazy the things we remember and we take to heart. It's those little things that I admire you for.

What I can recall and treasure. Being a kid until college.

You might have complained about all the dance and cheer competitions you had to take us to. Yet, you were always the loudest person in the crowd. Always pointing out who your Blondie and Pinky were, your baby girls. Yes, still your baby girls once in high school still loud as could be:) Now when it came to soccer games and volleyball, I think it gave you a bit of your Johnny back in the house but still everyone in the stands knew who your kids were. I think sometimes at bit too much yelling, just teasing dad:) Who knew a dad could cheer loud at a band or choir concert. LOL

You also chose to become a Deacon at our church which I still admire to this day, as I know it was out of your own personal comfort zone. It showed us you can be anything no matter what others think.

Then came college, and I knew you were both happy and sad I chose to go out of state(KY). You reminded me I will forever be a Buckeye. I wanted to be just far enough away from where I grew up, but close enough to go back home if I chose to. You made sure I was aware of all those "wrong boys" out there for me, after all you wrote me a letter I found in stuff unpacking. (got one from big bro too) Can you say a bit over protective and loving too. I think you still talk about the orientation given to freshman with parents. We won't even go into the details about when I joined a sorority, plus I was on the dance team. Talk about a double whammy for a dad to worry about his Blondie. Plus this brain can't recall all of it. I just know how proud you were of all I accomplished and where you wore EKU gear every visit to watch me perform in games and more dance performances along with plays. Graduated and down to FLORIDA I went! Excited for me, but further away I went.

Graduate school to me getting married, and boys.

Now a larger shocker your beach loving Blondie chose to go to grad school in North Dakota, just for the experience. After all it was only going to be two years and back to my job with a higher position and pay in Florida.

Of course it was a shocker at first but. I loved coaching there, my classmates and many others, maybe not so much the freezing weather. As you predicted I met the man of my dreams, and well stayed there. Of course I wanted your approval and you quickly loved him, and saw the love in his eyes which you had for me and knew it was right.

I remember your eyes along with that proud smile and tears of joy when holding Bryce for the first time, to walking me down the isle and then holding Broc.You might of hated the cold but the light in your eyes and smile on your face no one would ever know once you arrived from the long drive. You loved holding your grand boys.

I had a few health scares and you always reassured me " Blondie, it's all going to be ok." The boys were still young,

That scary time when you went in for a basic heart procedure.

What we thought was a basic procedure, and ended up being a quadruple bypass. I remember hearing from mom and could hear the fear in her voice. The doctors basically said God was looking out for you as you should dropped over a while ago with what all being blocked. You were just out visiting us and all seemed normal. My boys were so young and I was so afraid you weren't going to see them grow up, and they wouldn't get to experience what I did as a child with you. I think you all get the picture here.

Doting Grandpa came through, still thriving 19 years later.

Well God knew there was more for you to give to your family and we were counting on you. He must have known what my family had coming to us, and no matter what the challenge was you were there to say again "Blondie, it's going to be ok". Starting with my epilepsy diagnosis journey, making sure the boys had what they needed. Whether it be coming to all the boys things, state to state it didn't matter you were there and still are every step.

Even now when the boys are in college. You take Bryce out for his birthday, thanksgiving or just a visit when Brent and I can't be there. Bragging to all about your future NASA aerospace engineer. You make sure to visit Broc to see him play the game he loves. Cheering him on loudly making sure everyone knows your future MLB player just hit that grand slam. Just like you did for us as kids. (I could say much more here)

Meeting halfway to help Brent and I with my Mayo appointments. You never flinch, it's always yes I will be there. You always tell me how much you admire Brent for doing all he does for me and the boys, so you are happy to help out in anyway needed. You always brag about your son-in-law too. Now neither of you, will never admit how much you are alike:)

To all reading this blog, I know I went a bit long and hopefully you see the wonderful dad I am blessed to have.

Dad, I will see you later today for that big birthday hug and another "Blondie, it's going to be ok." for my Mayo visit. Followed by a thank you to Brent, as you always do. Grateful for all Brent does for his Blondie and grand boys.

Love You Dad! This time I say to you "dad, it's going to be ok and you have many more years to come!"

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