November Is a Special month to our family and over
65 million people worldwide.
This month I will be blogging various facts about the many types of #Epilepsy and also continue to speak on our family #GlitchJourney. I will also be posting to my Twitter @RissEKUParmer, FB page MyGlitch along with my IG mparmer. I encourage you to check these accounts often, to learn all about #EpilepsyAwarenessMonth Please feel free to comment on any of the SM sites or message me with questions!
What I WOULD LOVE for all of you to do is one of the
following at anytime this month!
1) Post a picture of yourself wearing PURPLE or anything PURPLE on one of your own SM sites, you can even just change your profile picture to #PURPLE
Make sure to tag me and I will repost on the SM site you posted on to show the many others living with #Epilepsy, they are NOT alone.
You will also want to tag: @BrainAbLaze @EpilepsyFdn @AmericaEpilepsy @defeatepilepsy @CureEpilepsy @stream4epilepsy @EpilepsyAFLA @AOEpilepsy @MayoClinic
Hashtag samples to use so other sites will see your post: #PopOutInPurple #EpilepsyAwarenessMonth #MyNEAMAction #ShineYourLightOnEpilepsy #NEAM2022 #SeizureFirstAid #Seizures #Epilepsy #CureEpilepsy #MyGlitch
2) Change your porch lights to #PURPLE
Here is the front of our house & we even have a lighted #PURPLE tree next to the front door, along with the lights in front of our garage are now #PURPLE
3) Educate yourself in #SEIZURE First Aid: all too often someone has an unexpected seizure whether it be in a public place, at school/work, playing sports or while watching them. People at any age! In the image below are some dates and times you can log online to learn, or contact me and I will reach out to the Epilepsy Foundation for your state's trainer for #Seizure First Aid to schedule one.
Please SHARE this IMAGE on your own SM outlets to speed the word!
4) BE CREATIVE and do YOUR OWN THING! But make sure to tag me & use at least one of the #hashtags I provided above!
5) SPREAD THE WORD: Go LIKE my FB page MyGlitch and get others to follow this blog
Ok this is ONLY day 1 of #EpilepsyAwarenessMonth
My family and I have some surprises coming
your way through the entire month!!
YOU don't want to MISS OUT, so check back OFTEN!!!
#EpilepsyAwarenessMonth #RNS #MayoClinic #PopOutInPurple #MyGlitch #ShineYourLightOnEpilepsy #SeizureFirstAid #CureEpilepsy #Seizures #Epilepsy #MyNEAMAction #EpilepsyWarrior #WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #NeverGiveUp #EpilepsyBattles #SeizureLife #ChronicIllness #AutoImmune #EpilepsySucks #SeizureFighter #EpilepsyStrong #EpilepsyEducation #EpilepsyAdvocate #Purple #SeizureStrong #ChronicPain #TooManySeizureMeds #EpilepsySociety #SUDEP #RNS #MayoClinic #Nuerology #SeizureDogs