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Revamp of site in progress.....along with some new apparel stay tuned!

Writer's picture: Marissa DeVaul ParmerMarissa DeVaul Parmer

My apologies first for a much overdue blog posting

I TRULY appreciate all of you, and taking the time to learn about our epilepsy battle, as well as educating yourselves and others on the importance of knwing facts vs. fiction on epilepsy itself.

If you want just daily quick facts though(during this revamp & on), you can always hop on and follow me on Instagram at rissparmer (many times in my stories) or on Twitter @RissEKUParmer.

Many have asked what has been going on, and making sure I am ok. To be honest my head has been spinning and when a person with various types of Epilepsy (plus not controlled), this can be very frustrating/stressfull(trigger) to themselves and family members.

I have had more pain lately, not sure if due to my fibro acting up or the fevers i have been having during a seizure chest and head pains. My OCD, has also been told is way out of controll and my mind/brain have also been functioning differently. My memory has also been acting up even more, and or I believe a conversation happened but in reaility it happend just in my head. Another example is I start a conversation in the middle, so the person I am speaking to, does not understand what is going on.

Due to this I have focused on continuing my daily workouts along with meditation(as an outlet and the mind/body connection needed), required daily rest time by my doctor and trying to focu on being there for my family the best that I can. If it wasn't for my very understanding family, I would not even make it through a day.

Hence forward; we have decided my blog needs to be my key focus on spreading our journey and, allowing me to help other fellow warriors in their own personal epilepsy battle.(so make sure to share this page from now on, and sign up for notices in your emails.) This blog has also become a mental health aspect for me, it is a way of opening up and showing it is ok to not always try to be ok.

Not one person with epilepsy has the same symptoms or lifestyle. Especially due to age, gender, nationality and or ethnic background and especially if controlled or uncontrolled. Many can live normal lifestyles, and as I have said before to many people you would never know when an individual even has epilepsy. " the invisible illness"

On Monday, February 27th is my Mayo appointment and we hope to get some new options of treatment. Because if you read about my WADA Testing, removing where some of the seizures are located is not an option. I will make sure to update next week.

I always need to remind myself and others living with epilepsy,

it's ok to stop and breathe,

you need to do it for yourself and so you can be there for others.

They give me my strength daily. & why I need to pause

#WeFightEpilepsyAsAFamily #TeamParmer #MyGlitch #Epilepsy #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Peloton #AerospaceEngineer #ERAU #BaseballCatcher #GCSC #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #EpilepsyWarriors #EpilepsyFighter #ChronicIllness #EpilepsyAdvocate #EpilepsyStrong #EndEpilepsy #TooManyMeds #RNSImplant #TemporalLobeSeizures #NocturnalSeizures #AbsenceSeizures #PNES #GAD65Seizures #AutoImmuneDisease #SUDEP #UncontrolledSeizures #FocalComplexSeizures #AwareSeizures #UnawareSeizures #StatusEpilepticus #EpilepsyLife #Anxiety #OCD #EpilepsySafetyAwareness #Invisilbleillness #SeizuresSuck #EpilepsyAllianceFlorida #EpilepsyFoundationOfAmerica #BrainAblaze #MayoClinic #WADATesting #2023WillBringHope #NeverGiveUp #Fibromalgyia #GroguIsMyGuy #FamilyIsEverything #MemoryMightBeBad #LosingLanguageSkills #LeftBrainDominance #Meditation #Peloton #Positivity #EnjoyLifeToTheFullest #ExerciseIsKey #SurgeryNotAnOption #HaveFaith #ListenToYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EpilepsyDay #SpreadEpilepsyAwareness #MissMyDash #PauseDontStop #YesYouCan

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Feb 24, 2023

I could feel your heart and determination in every word!💜Sending prayers for your Mayo visit. We love you💜

Marissa Parmer
Marissa Parmer
Feb 25, 2023
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Thank you. As you know I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, and unfortunately sometimes people take advantage of that. Much love back for the continued prayers & support of our family as well as the blog. 💜❤️

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