The BIG 21st Birthday on Saturday! I am so proud of all you have accomplished and I can't wait to see what comes next!
The decision to leave Kentucky from all your friends, and just shy of graduating high school.
It wasn't a planned move to Florida and we gave you boys the choice to stay back. I knew in my heart it was going to be a difficult decision for you. It was the fall of your Junior year, and you would start a new school that spring. Knowing you were surrounded by longtime friends, as well as important roles in clubs and sports teams. It shouldn't have been a surprise to me as you didn't hesitate by saying mom you need to be closer to your doctor, and dad has a great opportunity, we stay together as you have told us we are a family. In my heart I wanted to change your decision so you to graduate with all your friends but loved that you always followed your heart by placing family first, in all you did. After all you sat through all your brothers summer travel ball games, and was always his biggest fan in all he did.
Just scoring by what was always known as the MISSILE from mid-field to win the District Championship fall 2019!
This is prior to us knowing it would be your last time playing at Southern.
Then a pic you probably won't like me posting but moments like this, I will always remember and cherish you on my shoulder. Traveling back from one of your brothers baseball games. Afterall a mom as to take what she can get.
Fascination as a child of Space legos, Star Wars legos to becoming the bright Aerospace student you are are today at Embry-Riddle Aerospace University.
Ever since you were little you would spend hours placing together the most difficult lego sets and wouldn't stop until it was completed, right up to helping me do Grogu this past summer. (I know that took more patience then any of them, with my brain now, but you knew it meant the world you were doing that with me.Thank you for doing that and now I have Grogu to look at daily and think of us placing legos together.)
We knew since you were little you would do something big. You were so bright even since a toddler and always teaching your brother how to do things, even if he had no patience. LOL He definitely couldn't sit for hours on end doing legos. Your fascination of math, building things along with legos only grew stronger and you had decided by high school you were going to an aerospace engineer. I was impressed and proud you didn't let that dream die when you spent one year at a high school which didn't have as challenging classes, or ones with a track dedicated to your future major, not even clubs. No one was going to stand in your way.
Year three already at ERAU and of course you are considered a senior. We wouldn't expect anything less from your lofty goals.
You quickly aimed high when you first began college with your academics and joining various clubs. You were placed in the Honors Track and so you had to maintain the Dean's List every semester and certain classes had to be taken. On top of that, you joined clubs like ERPL your first year and now with Micro-G-Next, and Embry-Riddle Search and Rescue Technologies.
We tried to tell you that we didn't expect the Dean's List with all the difficult classes and clubs. We wanted you to adjust and enjoy your journey in college.
Of course that didn't you. You decided to add more to your plate already with taking classes which I have no idea what they mean but let's throw in there competing for NASA projects. I was so impressed when you call us and show us how you designed this tool for your first NASA competition, and your group was selected out of the country one of fifteen selected to compete this summer in Houston at NASA. Now you are already onto the next competition already thinking of what the future holds for aerospace engineering field holds. Stay tuned everyone with the intervention called TSJ, shall see if he is back in Houston. I of course have no doubt:)
Picture shows you making the Dean's list like every semester. Then in Houston with your team Dustronauts and holding your invention for NASA.
Yes you are very intelligent with lofty goals, but something this year has impressed me more. You should be proud as I am!
As a family we have always worked out in a gym or when you were little doing things outside.Basically because that is what dad and I were careered in, and we believe in the body-mind connection. When little you loved just running around with Dash, he was always by your side. Then it was always playing soccer, and doing what dad loves with running track. Came college days and you loved playing video games with friends from KY, or building things with dad during the summers. It was your down time after such a busy school year.
You worked out only cause the family did, until you left for college and you asked for help on lifting on your own. To me that took a lot of courage to ask dad that. You even called with questions if that was something a the gym you didn't know how to use. I know you always don't want to mess up on anything, and this was not going to be easy for you. So this summer you had a book which you kept up on recording your workouts and asking any questions, even wanting a new book to have a college.
THEN a BIG shock was you calling and asking us what we thought of you applying to work at the ERAU REC Center. You wanted a job on campus, since you miss not living on it, added to the resume, and would provide you with some extra money helping us out.
We thought of course it was a great idea, it would provide you with experience outside of what you are used to and communicating with people outside of your comfort zone. You had the zoom interview and when you called us all excited that you got the job, made my heart full and a beaming smile.
Now you speak about meeting new people working there and even said you didn't realize so many people there already knew who you were based on club roles, classes etc.The excitement in your voice said it all:) Now you even are taking cycling classes, working lifting competitions and lifting all by your won choice.
There are few people that go out of their comfort zone, and Bryce you did! To me this speaks volumes of your growth and what lies ahead is endless.
Thank you for always being YOU, and loving mom even if she can't understand a thing you say when it comes to your classes or I asked over and over again about it:)
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