Yes, it is Thursday but this change has been VERY ROUGH!

For those on Twitter you have seen I have tweeted some Epilepsy Awareness Facts for this dedicated month. I am sure you have also noticed there hasn't been a blog posting since last Friday and not as much daily epilepsy facts posted as normally there is.
My experiences since the time has gone back a hour
I sure hope this makes sense, because I am still experiencing more nocturnal seizures and my various other types throughout the day.
I am sure you are saying, that extra hour should be good since sleep is key factor for those living with epilepsy. The complication is it throws your scheduled sleep, pills, activity, how the brain works etc. The first night my body automatically woke up at 5:30amCST because it felt like it was 6:30am and that is my morning pill time. I tried to wait but my head and chest pains couldn't do it, and so I took them and just went back to bed afterwards which didn't do much good either for a true restful sleep.
When living with epilepsy you take your pills on a strict schedule, because delayed or missed times trigger seizures. The time going back a hour, was a problem for getting my body to connect with my brain and what time it actually was throughout each day. After some very rough days we adjusted my meds to between the time I used to take them and what the current time was and see if it would help. The other complication is I am leaving for Mayo this weekend for 3 weeks and that is EST(another adjustment). To give you an idea of how over active my seizures have been is my neurologist's nurse called yesterday (Nov.8)to check on me and see how I was doing based on my RNS readings.
Due to having more active seizures daily, my body was in even more pain daily causing me not to be as active as I normally try to be to help control my Fibro and PNES.
Many don't believe it but the sun setting at 4:45pmCST truly affects your mood, body and brain. I was fortunate enough to have a friend come over and walk with me one late morning and a late afternoon so I could be out of the house in the sun plus get exercise supervised. The late afternoon walk we pushed the time too close to my evening pill and we didn't make it too far and I started to go into a seizure and a neighbor helped her and me get back to the house. She was so kind, called my husband just to let him know. She stayed with me asking questions to see how coherent I was, made sure I didn't wander off and rested, folded my laundry that was left in the drier and switched over the wash. Needless to say I was blessed that day for her keeping me safe. You will hear of her in a future Family and Friend's Friday.(if she agrees this time:)
Again today, due to having a rough night I had to lay back down from 9-10am after no success in trying to stay up after pills, doing my wordle and breakfast. I had planned on doing a walking and stretching class but that will have to be later today. I am getting better at listening to my body, in place of pushing through which is so against my personality. To me I see at as a failure, working on not having those thoughts.
With all this happening it naturally causes stress because you are frustrated you can't do your structured routine to hopefully not have seizures. Causing seizures to be even more active due to active stressors is a trigger. Can you see the never ending cycle?
Take a watch from Mayo Clinic for just the "normal" person on how this time change affects your daily mood and life.
After you watch this you can better understand on
why it is even harder for anyone living with epilepsy.
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#OnceADragonAlwaysADragon #EpilepsyShouldntChangeFriends #BrainFog #SiezureFalls #PositiveMindset #StopApologizing #SiblingsPointOfView #KeepTalking #BrotherlyLove #SisterlyLove #FamilyHelpsYouThroughAnything #TrendingOnTwitter #DontLiveInFear #CaffeineGoodOrBad #CaffeineIsNotMyTrigger #DrugResistantEpilepsy #MedsSuck #SleepIssues #SleepIsATrigger #MyBoysAreMySuperHero #EpilepsyCanBeGood #OtherHealthConditionsTriggerMySeizures #FibroFog #EpilepsyFog #PainIsReal
#TimingOfDiagnosisMakesADifference #HappyMothersDay #MotherOfChildWithEpilepsy #MotherOfParentWithEpilepsy #MotherOfSpouseWithEpilepsy #MotherLivingWithEpilepsy
#LowBPEffectsMySeizures #OccupationalWellness #ConnectionIsNeeded #HaveAPassion #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #HaveAsMuchFaithInYourselfAsYouDoOthers #InPatientEEG #OutPatientEEG #TakeABreak #MeTime #FamilyTime #Dash #SeizureAlertDogs #EmotionalSupportDogs #OnlineEpilepsyCommunity #OnlineTrolls #BrainFog #Dementia #SaraStaggs #Uncontrollable #OCD #RNSArtificialIntelligence #SelfCare #InwardAndOnward #CampiTheSeahorse #FinancialWellness #FinancialStress #HIE #KelliTimAndRayStory #CoachAthleteRelationship #TempsRiseSoDoSeizures #ListenToYourBody #PokemonWalks #UTSABaseball #SonsLoveInspiresMe #SonsDriveAndCourageInspiresMe #PhotoSensitiveEpilepsy #LorrieForseth #LovedOnesSupportingOthers #TheRightDoctorsIsKey #MayoClinic #SPARK #RhondaTaylor #BackToCollege #OverBrainStimulation #ListenToFamilyBetter #ListenToBodyBetter #MakeTimeForYou #ItsOkToJustRelax #HabitsTakePractice #LifeHasHurdles #DontLetAnyoneTellYouWhatYouAreCapableOf #VisibleOrNonvisbleHurdles #EthanParmer #NavarrePress #PressGazette #BrianLester #20thAnniversary #StrongerTogether #DentalHealth #ProperDentistAppointmentSteps
#BryanBlack #Jerseys4Hope #NCAABasketball #TemporalLobeSeizures #CoachKidd #GriefAndEpilepsy #BryceIs21 #Lifting #DrivingAndEpilepsy #MentalHealthAndIsolation #PapPap97 #FamilyIsEverything #TreasureEveryDayYouHave #IWillAlwaysNeedMyDad #BlessedToBeYourBlondie" #MentalHealth #Hobbies #BetterLife #PamZichEpilepsyAdvocate #MoreRNSChanges #NeedToFocusOnMyselfMore #MayoPRC #NEAM2023 #GlitchGear #WeLiveEpilepsyDaily #MissB #MedicalMarijuana #TimeChange