How Was I Diagnosed With Very Low Blood Pressure
When I was in highschool, I would get out of bed in the morning into the shower and passout in the shower or just afterwards. At times I also passed out during school or sports activities. After some tests and my doctor having me check my blood pressure daily, they diagnsoed me with what is called syncope spells. Many assumed my blood pressure was good because I was in shape, and high blood pressure ran in my family.
My syncope is also called fainting or passing out. It most often occurs when blood pressure is too low, which is called also hypotension, and the heart doesn't pump enough oxygen to the brain. When this does occur to someone, you should help the person to lie down with thier legs up in the air against something to quickly regain consciousness which is having their blood flow restored to their brain. After this, they also tell you to lay down and rest a while when possible.
To try and help prevent this my local doctor during highschool and college had me always sit on the side of my bed or anywhere I was going to get up from to have me not rush to get up and move to try and prevent me passing out, and he also had me add sodium to my diet to try and help raise my blood pressue daily.

Fast Forward To When I Was Diagnosed With Seizures
Later on when I was married and was having my boys, I had some episodes passing out again. The doctors knew of my history of having low blood pressure which cause my syncope spells. So of course they began with cardiovascular testing to see if something with my heart was going on making these to become more frequent again. Because most during pregnancy or just after typically after have high blood pressure or elevated from your own range. Well if you read other posts you know all these tests came back normal and that's where we headed to Mayo clinic for other tests.
By how my husband was describing my fainting to the neurologists, some of it did not fit my old syncope spells. This is where they discovered what they thought were my usual syncope, were followed by a seizure or I had a siezure first and then my blood pressure dropped even more. Which always made me extremely tired afterwards.
What was happening to me after some of my seizures is my blood pressure would drop even lower when it was already low to begin with. Hence I would pass out or what we found out was my absence, and drop attack seizures occuring. I also felt extremely out of it because my blood pressure was having trouble to rise up and causing lack of blood flow to my brain and I would fall asleep. This is very scary due to SUDEP, but it is more common in high blood pressure.
With all my various meds, RNS, and just knowing better about what can happen I watch how my body is feeling. Thankfully some my meds side effects raise blood pressure, while not good in some people it actually helps me. Probably the only good side effect. If I am feeling a hot flash, head pain differently then my migraines, and also just weak, most likely my blood pressure has dropped and a siezure might have already occured or is about to happen. I must admit I am not as good at recognizing these signs but my husband and boys see it in my face. Because due to pre-menopause I assumed those were just hot flashes.
So Now You Know, low or high blood pressure can cause seizures and or be a side effect from them. Either way, you need to talk to your neuorolgist and make sure you let your body rest afterwards. Many times my body just does it on its own and I fall right to sleep.
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